Chapter 18: Finale
I was in my office the next morning when my phone beeped. At first I did not want to read it, but on an impulse I read the message from Mallu.
"I am sorry. I really did not mean to hurt you."
I kept quiet.
"I really miss our coffee breaks together."
Again I kept quiet.
"I really did not want to hurt you."
"It is OK....Sir. I guess I became too big for my boots. I should have remembered, a junior is always a junior. I forgot the protocol. I am sorry."
"It is not about being a junior or senior."
"It really is sir. I was the one to forget."
"Are you still angry?"
My Boss was giving me dirty looks. I could not afford to indulge in messaging. I replied.
"My boss is getting irritated with constant beeps. Can we discuss this later sir?"
"Will you be coming in time for lunch?"
"No sir."
There were no more messages. I felt things settling down and normalcy returning, but I still wanted a yes or a no as a reply. After a quick lunch, I came back to my office. When I returned back, probably around nine thirty in the night, I found complete silence. All were inside their rooms. I went and had my dinner along with my Boss other seniors. When I returned, changed and settled down, I found a message from Mallu, screaming to be read.
"Are you still angry?"
"No sir, in fact I should be asking you the same."
"I am not and stop sirring me."
"But you are my senior and I need to address you as sir as per protocol."
"Are you being sarcastic???"
"No sir, I am being frank and honest."
"You are angry."
"No sir I am not. I only need a frank reply from you."
"Reply for what?
"To the question I asked."
"Which question?"
I could feel my temper rising so I decided to keep quiet. My phone beeped.
"To which question do you need a reply?"
"Sir...I had asked whether you would like to spend the rest of your lifetime in the company of a crazy person like me."
"You are good company."
I waited.
"I like spending time with you."
I still kept waiting.
"I like you, I really do."
"You like me as what sir? junior, acquaintance, colleague?"
"I told you I like you."
My temper had got the better of me. I typed.
"I know I read your message. One likes a pet too. You like me as what sir? And such like has no future. I think we must put an end to this sir."
Saying so I kept my phone underneath my pillow. There were no more beeps. I guessed that everything was over between us. I would always remain a junior and senior. I thought I heard my phone beep. I was too groggy to reach for it. But something in my heart forced me to pull out my phone. Time was 1200 am. With trembling fingers I checked my inbox. I found a message from him staring at me.
"I love you with all my heart."