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          I sincerely believe that throughout life, you meet one person unlike any other. To that person you can tell anything to, you could be with them forever and never get bored, and you could tell them things that won't judge you for. This person is your soul mate, never let him go. I found my soul mate and my best friend in what started with hatred followed by love relationship.      And so ends a chapter in my life. Love happened and here I shared with you all how it happened. For every end there is a new beginning. The end of this life chapter was followed by Romance, Marriage and....well, well...will share all and bare all with the passage of time.

Chapter 18: Finale

               I was in my office the next morning when my phone beeped. At first I did not want to read it, but on an impulse I read the message from Mallu.        "I am sorry. I really did not mean to hurt you."        I kept quiet.        "I really miss our coffee breaks together."        Again I kept quiet.        "I really did not want to hurt you."        "It is OK....Sir. I guess I became too big for my boots. I should have remembered, a junior is always a junior. I forgot the protocol. I am sorry."        "It is not about being a junior or senior."        "It really is sir. I was the one to forget."        "Are you still angry?"       My Boss was giving me dirty looks. I could not afford to indulge in m...

Chapter 17: The Final Showdown

        By the time the foursome returned, I had become a workaholic and a bit of a recluse. Senorita kept updating me and Singer about their performance. Not that I was heart broken, but I felt sad how things had soured up. I hated misunderstandings, but now, was in no mood to clear the air. The day they returned, which was a week after their departure, Singer and I were in Senorita's room. I heard sounds of footsteps approaching Senorita's room. Before I could escape, the foursome entered with smiles.        "We passed," said Athlete.        "Let's go out for a movie and party," added Chow.        "Yes, we will have fun," chipped in Brat.        "Get ready by four. We will set course for the movie hall."        Mallu spoke as naturally as ever. But I was hurt and wounded inside. I blurted out.        "It is so nice ...

Chapter 16: Regret, Remorse and Anger

       Inspired by Scarlet O Hara's statement "After all tomorrow is another day," I made coffee and took it next day morning after breakfast. I found Chow sitting in his room. I left the two cups there and returned back. My phone beeped.        "I do not need coffee any more. Stop bringing them. I am busy studying."        I felt really bad and hurt. I thought that maybe in my impulsiveness I had driven away a good friend. I replied.        "I am really sorry for what I messaged yesterday. I just spoke my heart out. I really don't want to lose a good friend."        "Leave me alone."        Like always, I sat and cried. I felt so foolish to have sent him a message without having weighed the pros and cons. After crying my heart out I decided then and there that I will try and avoid going out or hanging out with the group till normalcy returned...

Chapter 15: I Said It

       Exactly a month after our first cup of coffee, we were sipping our coffee in his room. His phone beeped.        "What is the matter? Everything ok at home?"        "Oh yes. Its just that we have an official party this evening."        "Oh, ok. Then I guess, its time for me to get going."        "I did not mean to tell you to go away. There is still time."        "But you have to get ready, right?"        "It is absolutely OK. Sit for some more time. Please."        After an hour I stood up to go; he escorted me till the door (A first again!!!).        " Bye. Enjoy your party."        "These are generally not very interesting. Still I will try."        I heard Athlete, Chow, Brat and him to be loudly calling each other....

Chapter 14: Interlude

       The next day was too hectic for me in the office to even exchange messages. My phone too did not beep at regular intervals. When I came back from office I found almost everybody had reached. Seeing me, they all started moving for lunch.        "Shouldn't we wait for Mallu sir and Chow sir? I asked Athlete.        "Oh no, they have gone out on detachment. They will be back only after two days."        I quietly followed with mixed feelings. One part of me felt hurt as to why I was not informed of his going. The other part reasoned it out saying that I was nobody but a junior in his life. Hence, there was no need for him to have  told me.        I reached my room, changed and was about to settle for an afternoon siesta when my phone beeped. Message from Mallu.        "Hi, sorry I could not tell you before I left. It all happened in a...

Chapter 13: A Trip Together

       It was a week after the coffee break began that we all decided to go to a temple. The boys were desperate to bribe the gods for passing them in their upcoming exam. For the first time, Mallu signalled me to be his pillion rider. Though we had gone out before, I heard him sing for the first time.        "I did not know you could sing too."        "I am a bathroom singer too. An untrained one at that."        "You really sing well. Why didn't you sing on our earlier trips."        "I had not known you then. Why don't you join me? I am pretty bad when it comes to remembering the lyrics."        Together we sang some of the songs known to us. For the first time I didn't feel the need to clutch on to the side bar and holding it tightly as if my entire life depended on it. I felt relaxed, at ease and comfortable being with him.   ...

Chapter 12: Messages and More

          My phone beeped around six in the evening. It was Mallu.       "I desperately need a coffee break."        I made a cup of coffee and took it across to his room. I handed it to him with a smile.        "Where is yours?" he asked.        I had not made for myself so I just shrugged my shoulders and shook my head as a reply. He got up to fetch a cup from his peg table, divided the coffee into two and handed me a cup.         "Won't I be disturbing you while you are studying if I sit here?"        I was hesitant.        "No ways!!! sit on the bean bag. I could do with some good company for a refreshing break."        My ears pricked up but I pretended not to have heard it and took a sip of my coffee.        "You really make amazing coffee." ...

Chapter 11: Over a Cup of Coffee

      I don't remember how long I sat there that morning. I only remember getting up and rushing inside my room, keeping my book on the table and heading towards my little kitchenette. I desperately needed a cup of coffee to soothe my nerves.     Though as residents of Bhairavi we were not supposed to have a kitchenette in our rooms, yet the atrocious food on some days and a horribly brewed coffee drove me to set up one in my room. You would certainly empathise with me being a Tam Brahm girl that a cup of horrid coffee is definitely a huge setback. i had grown up with the wondrous aroma of filter coffee and freshly grounded beans. For me, a cup of coffee followed every little life event - success in exams, securing a job, and....any firsts in my life.        My kitchenette was nothing but a small cupboard near the window housing my crockery and cutlery and a little stool next to it on which I had kept my electric kettle. I had a...