
Sometimes an image alone can bring back memories. Sometimes its a thought. Sometimes an action. No matter what, how do I ever bring you back. Back into my life. Back to me. Would life have been any different? Wish I had a crystal ball to gaze into!! But I am no fortune teller And you are not a fragment of imagination. Time has not paused. Life has moved on. Work has kept me busy And kids have me occupied. But sometimes, A wee little corner of my heart Cries out loud. Just loud enough for me to hear. Thats when I realise There is so much I lack. I lack in my life. I lack in me. Nay sayers think I have it all. Inspite of the downs I have been through. But only I know. How much of a battle each day resembles. Yes, I am at war. At war with myself. To war with with my thoughts. That is why I guess, I ended up being a warrior!