A Woman


     8th March every year is devoted to the most beautiful, strong, sensitive yet contradictory creation of God- A WOMAN.  For the regular MCP (Male Chauvinist Pig!!!) the dumber she is the better and for the Feminists, the smarter the better. Yet, its not the battle of the races or gender that should matter now, it is whether a woman truly values herself or not. 

         So many times a woman lets go of her wants for the sake of her family. So many times she forgets that she too is unique in her own way. So many times she is left unappreciated, unloved, disrespected..... Its high time that the world and most importantly woman herself, realizes what she is truly worthy of achieving. 

         Neither am I a feminist nor a supporter of the MCP. I am just a woman trying to make another woman feel good about herself. This month I pledge to appreciate every woman I meet. Will you???

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