Only Love is Real

      My husband had never been the kind to delve into books bearing any resemblance to metaphysics. Neither he believed in gifting me, a bibliophile, a book because for him it was a sheer wastage since I was not only surrounded by books (literally!!!) at my work place, I could order for the ones of my choice. Yet, just before leaving for his one last trip, he gifted me of all the choices in the world, Brian Weiss's Only Love is Real.

       Though I took the book with a bemused look on my face, one that had both shock and astonishment, I simply could not comprehend why I was being given this. I took it and after a quick read decided it was one of those metaphysical kinds that do not have relevance. I kept it in my treasure trove without being vocal about my feelings lest I hurt him and wished at the back of my mind that he should have gifted me a Thomas Hardy or Charles Dickens instead (one is never satisfied with what one gets right???).

      It was a month after his death that I happened to chance across this book while cleaning my cupboard. I froze. All the while I had this nagging question popping up every now and then at the back of my mind "Didn't I love him enough?" and here it was...the answer to my question. It was as if he was trying to convince me that what had happened was destined to happen and I was in no way responsible. 

      True love is real. It spans across distances, culture, time zones, even lifetimes.. It is a blessing that stays with you for eons and eons. But in today's world of artificiality and fake even love gets misconstrued. To stay real, it needs real involvement and investment in terms of time and trust. How often do we across people who have no qualms about their relationships?

      I feel blessed because for me my Only Love is Real and here to stay for eternity. What about you?

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