Bucket List Twenty Sixteen
Yet another new beginning, a new year. Time to grab a paper and pen to list out new year resolutions. A quick mental walk down past year's memory lane brings a smile on my face. Not bad! 2015 was full of wonderful moments and learnings. There was a change of workplace, new beginnings with known colleagues and making new friends as well. I rediscovered my love for reading and got into doing reviews. Saw my dream of turning into an author coming true. What better tribute to the man I love! Now that a new day for a new beginning in a new year has started, I now ponder what do I add to my Bucket List 2016. Thought about it for a long time and here is my list of resolutions for my New Year Bucket List. Am not the kind to have too many (sticking to them becomes a problem!!!). I don't believe in "Top Ten" because I like living on "Cloud Nine", hence, there are only nine items in my list for Twenty Sixteen. Here it goes... 1. Take Life's Challenges O