
I Know, Do You?

I know a child, Who with vacant eyes, Sat looking at the door, Awaiting a man, To execute a plan, Her 'partner in crime' for sure. She kept staring, Grumbling and glaring, To hear the sound of her gate, But what came next, Was not the best, And her father was never late. He did return, But in an urn, Remains of a black coffin box, He gave his life, A supreme sacrifice, It was that family's loss. I know another child, Both strong and wild, A girl who never lied, A cheerful kid, Doing mother's bid But with this pain inside. When she was born, Her family was torn, She never saw her dad, She only knew, Her father through, The stories others had. She yearned to know, What he was, so, She decided to be like him, To grow up strong, Righting the wrong, A warrior gentle and grim. I know a wife, Who all her life, Has an aching pain, Who starts from scratch, With 'this' and 'that', Learning to live again. She plays her p...

New Year Wish For My Sweetheart

Dearest sweetheart up in heaven, I thought of a silent wish today, Yet every fragment of my soul, Wants me to shout out and say. Have a wonderful year with your friends, Enjoy your stay above, I know you know that I am fine, After all, we are soulmates my love. I may sound wonky and delusional, For saying you're alive in my life, For the world you may be dead, But I will always be your wife. Love doesnot have an expiry date, Especially when its true, Nor does distance make any difference, A case in point me and you. Love is really a funny thing, It shows up when you least expect, And when it did fourteen years ago, It came with honesty, trust, respect. I am still human not an angel like you, I might have made mistakes, But the love I feel you shower me with, Is the reason my heart never breaks. People say Time heals all wounds, Oh yes it did for me for sure, And with every passing day, I love you even more. I love you for being you And for being wit...

New Beginning

Rest in peace my warrior in blue, Six years have flown by, Since the day I stayed back on earth, And you joined the sky. Initially, I tried to be like you, I tried to fill up your shoes, Then it clicked deep within My roads were mine to choose. I learnt to stand on my two feet, And broadened my shoulders further, I continued as mom, I stopped being the father. You always were and will always be, The man our girls look up to, I need to teach them that I am me, And you will always be you. Yes, you are no longer present, Physically in their life, But in every single action of theirs, I always see you alive. Grateful I am for the moments we spent, As soulmates on this earth, But I must confess your death has been, In true terms my rebirth. Every life has a life purpose Yours was to bring a change in mine, Your job was done, you had to go, I now accept it as fine. It took me years to find inner peace, And make amends with my soul, Your deed on earth was...

Angel Flight: Prologue

It was time. I closed my eyes. It seemed like ages, but yes, I felt nice to get back into a cockpit. I knew I was born to fly. I am a strong believer in second chances. I am so glad that I got one here as well.  "Are you sure you want to start so early?" My co-pilot and captain of the helicopter was a tad apprehensive. "I am absolutely certain sir," I replied souding as confident as I could. He nodded and thereafter started rattling out the pre-flight checklist. I quietly followed his instructions and started physical checks.