Ten Commandments


       Yet another Valentine's Day gone by what with the hype on a date-wise fortnightly celebrations..this includes both pre and post V Day week. Couples trying to impress each other with gift, cards and what not...The present day lovers would put Romeo Juliet, Heer Ranjha and other such couples to shame with the antics and tactics adopted for pleasing the partner. Not to forget poets of the Romantic era and of course the new Romantics (if there are any left!!!)

       But then...do we really need to get restricted to a particular day to profess our love??? Love never means materialistic and physical gratifications. Neither does it believe in exchange of gifts and cards for survival..

       Doesn't this mean that we need to show each day of our lives that we truly love our partner??? At times it does become difficult....in fact you get so harassed and drained out that you start questioning the very existence of your "Loved One" in your life. But then, as has always been quoted "Love your Love the most when he or she deserves it the least because that is when they need it the most." Besides, in case of a role reversal would you like the love of your life to walk out on you???

      If you wish to keep the love in your life alive and kicking instead of choosing just one day of the year to express adopt these Ten Commandments:-

   1.   Give 100% of yourself at all times.
  2. Treat your partner as the unique individual he or she truly is.
   3.   Stay connected through your words and action.
 4.   Accept change and support growth in both yourself and your partner.
   5.   Live your love.
   6.   Share the love, fear, work and play.
   7.   Listen to your mate.
   8.   Honour the subtle wisdom of the heart and listen to the powerful insights of the mind.
   9.   Don't be a jerk or a nag.
   10.  Integrate the purity of spirituality, passion and power of emotions.

   My recipe for Lovesutra is....

   Keep loving and living.....

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