
Born Again...

      When my husband died and I was left a widow at the age of 31, my life reached a decisive point. I have had people coming up with statements "What will you do now?Widowed at such a young age!!!", "Poor kids, they have lost their father...","She has lost only her husband", "I can understand your grief..."  So what if my husband is not physically present with me, will he cease to be my husband since dead? Just because the father is dead, don't my kids have their mother alive?           I have even had media-style questionnaire verbally put up to me (you know, the kind that is asked to grieving people). It included questions like "Do you miss him?", "Do you cry? How much", "How did you feel when you were vested with sudden additional responsibilities?", "Are you planning to marry again?" Do I need to justify and state whether I miss him? Should I use a measuring cup to collect my tears so as to

For One More Day

    As per Wikipedia the book  is about a son who gets to spend a day with his mother who died eight years earlier. Charley “Chick” Benetto is a retired baseball player who, facing the pain of unrealized dreams, alcoholism, divorce, and an estrangement from his grown daughter, returns to his childhood home and attempts suicide. There he meets his long dead mother, who welcomes him as if nothing ever happened. The book explores the question, “What would you do if you had one more day with someone you’ve lost?”    I am not ashamed to say that while reading every chapter which brought out the times the protagonist had hurt his mother or disappointed her, I have cried. Not because I am  a sentimental fool, but realization of the fact that there have been times in my life when I have been in the protagonist's  shoes  automatically brought tears into my eyes.Have we taken for granted the people who have loved us the most? Have we ever snubbed at their endeavour to make us feel bett

New Year Resolutions...

   Yet another year has crossed over. Yet another occasion to re-look at the list of past year's resolutions. Yet another time when a sense of guilt takes over. Yet another moment to list out again the resolutions for this year that has just kick-started.    Time gone by never comes back. This is a cliched statement. Yet years pass by with guilt pangs writ large on our faces because we failed at some point or other to fulfill the promises made to ourselves. We begin with a bang but end up with a whimper. Year after year this vicious cycle continues to peddle its way through our lives...Why do we fail in sticking to our resolutions. We are resolute in nature no doubt, then what is stopping us???    As we introspect we realize that someway down the life our life has slowly moved out of our control. We have given it away to the wheel of time to take over. How often do we have a "Me" time that can be spent on sticking to our resolutions? With passage of time, the control

My Best Friend

Dearest Buddy,       Don’t raise your eyebrows so, nor stare too long at the cover, it is true that I finally sat and wrote to you. Believe me, when I thought of all the things you’ve done for me, I couldn’t stop myself from writing.       When I look back at my life, I find that you were there at each twist and turn. If I could adapt to life’s dynamism it is only because of you. I’ve shared so many things with you- my dreams, my aspirations, my thoughts, my ups and downs: In fact, everything that life has offered me till date.       We have grown together. Each and every moment that we’ve spent together has become a wonderful memory. Every time I think of you, a smile creeps up on my face, my eyes get dreamy and I live the moments I spent with you all over again. Believe me, if I had to live my life all over again and choose a partner for doing so, I’ll invariably choose you. I really can’t imagine how my life would have been without you.... It would have been so dark!!!