Abilities And Related Toys
Toys have had a big role to play in enhancing developments in children. In fact, play therapy is a recent approach towards treating children. Here goes the general guidelines while buying age specific toys with added information. I have included the general abilities you can notice in that particular age and appropriate toys. You need not buy all specified toys. You can choose according to your budget and most important, your child's likes and dislikes. BIRTH TO 6 MONTHS Abilities 1. Visual focus develops and infant follows objects with eyes. 2. Learns to turn to see where sounds come from. 3. Tries to grasp objects. 4. Discovers feet by bringing feet to mouth. 5. Begins to sit with support. 6. Rolls, rocks and loves to be bounced. 7. Begins to recognize familiar people and objects. 8. Imitates simple movements. 9. Begins to smile at faces. 10. Listens to voices and may imitate sounds. Appropriate Toys 1. Hanging toys or mobiles 2. Soft Blocks 3. Simple Rattle