Exceptional Children
The term "Exceptional Children" is generally misunderstood. Majority of people feel that an exceptional child means a mentally challenged(retardation/cerebral palsy/Down's syndrome etc) or a handicapped child (deaf/dumb/blind/ physically handicapped etc.). In reality, all children who are born are born exceptional. T he term "Exceptional" also includes Gifted children, children with Learning Difficulties, Twice Exceptional or 2e children, Autistic children and those suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Presently in India, all major schools have a School Psychologist/ Counsellor whose main job is to identify and train these children. Besides them, there are Child Psychologists who can evaluate a child's exceptionality (be it an anomaly or a giftedness) and suggest measures to encourage the same. There is a theory which states that all infants and toddlers are aware of what